What is coaching and how it can help you

What is coaching?

  • Coaching is a collaborative process to create lasting change. It is an opportunity to give you the time to think about you; to explore your thoughts, feelings and concerns.

  • It is liberating to be given the space to dedicate time to yourself to express your feelings out loud in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space.

  • It is neither mentoring nor therapy but a coach can offer guidance and the process can be therapeutic. We concentrate on achieving mobility for you, while keeping an eye on the past.

How can coaching help you?

  • By way of conversation we can begin to understand your behaviours and drivers. Coaching offers you the prospect to change those patterns to give rise to a more positive outcome for you.

  • By way of enquiry and questioning you begin to achieve focus and a clearer pathway to realising your aims and goals, however big or small they may be.

  • As a qualified coach, having trained with an accredited organisation, (Barefoot Coaching) I have the skills and knowledge to help you develop strategies and techniques to make lasting positive change in your life.

What people are saying about coaching with Jan